Happy Birthday to...US!!

May 5th, 2006 is our first birthday! Polyamorous Percolations turns one year old today, and I look forward to many more.

Our first ever raffle was a success, and as I previously stated all proceeds from this raffle will go towards this community, to help us continue to provide you with the best content and resources possible. It should also be noted that I made a last minute change in the rules which allowed the first place winner to pick any prize they wanted, versus the two they had to choose from under the original rules.

First Prize (Picked by winner)

Michelle Hummel
"Spice" in a Large Mug coffee mug; Retail value $12.99

Second Prize

Cherie Ve Ard
"Huggable Spice" Teddy Bear; Retail value $13.99

I'd also like to note that Cherie opted to donate her prize back to the community to further show her support to us! Thanks a lot Cherie, and to everyone else who has supported us throughout the last year. "Without families, there can be be no community".

