Aunt Poly Ask Aunt Poly is an advice column. While it is meant to offer genuine, helpful advice, Aunt Poly has no degree in this area, and is not a professional. She will offer her opinions and advice, as well as those of her staff. Please use your own best judgement when considering advice given here.

If you need legal or professional advice regarding a particular issue and you're unsure where to turn, you might try the list of Poly-Friendly Professionals that currently exists over at

Ask Aunt Poly will be published on a sporadic schedule based upon the number of letters submitted, and will feature one or two letters as space and time permit.

Do you have a question for Aunt Poly? Need some relationship or personal advice? Email these to

A little fine print. Aunt Poly has the final say as to which letters will be published here. If you don't want your real name printed here please use an alias when submitting your letter. All letters and subject matter will become the intellectual property of Polyamorous Percolations.

Archived Letters