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Michael11-11-2006 00:41 [E,W]
South Carolina just went through the same thing. We had a definition of marriage amendment that passed by 80%. Eminent domain was our other big one. No one wants the gov't to take away their rights to keep their land, but taking away people's right to form what ever type of family they want is evil. I love how my fellow South Carolinians can pick and choose what the gov't can take away from us.
Alan11-09-2006 15:25 [E,W]
> The fact that people who preach
> "equality" and "turning the other
> cheek" can so easily condemn someone
> else to the fire and brimstone. That
> those who say "People say I am loving
> and giving and caring" can then turn
> around and accuse someone of being
> mentally ill when they say "I don't
> need your help". People who say they
> are "one with god" and then will tell
> someone they deserved to be treated
> badly because they don't feel the same
> way.

Don't know who first said it, but,

"You expect good people do good things. You expect bad people to do bad things. But to get good people to do bad things, you need religion."
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