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J12-19-2006 03:45 [E,W]
Hi! Just read your piece and wanted to let you know that Christians are absolutely not supposed to be tolerant to all people. That is a misunderstanding. Christians believe that God is loving and tolerant, and people should be as well. However, God is angered by sin, and the Bible instructs Christians to be angered by it as well, and to NOT tolerate it or the people who commit it. Thanks.
Hollie12-01-2006 07:11 [E,W]
Thanks for this! I loved the description of your father, your love for him really shines through your words and he seems like wonderful man. I love the message of tolerance, and I agree that poly is something we're probably wired for.
Chris11-22-2006 20:00 [E,W]
Thank You so very much for writing this article!
emily11-22-2006 00:17 [E,W]
Thank you for writing this, it's something i often feel,the double standard makes me insane, both as a Pagan, poly and in other parts of my life. respect is a two way street. The womens' rights movement is VERY guilty of this, which is why i don't call myself feminist, even though most would.
Rhianon11-21-2006 20:35 [E,W]
This was well writting and reflects thoughts I have had myself. EVERYONE should be able to love as thou to speak. As long as it's good and sincere than why should anyone judge. It makes me crazy.
Also you are lucky to have such a man as your father and he is lucky to have a daughter who not only sees his goodness but admires it as well.
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