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Glenn (Radagast97)08-17-2006 15:57 [E,W]
Thanks Chias
Chias08-17-2006 03:30 [E,W]
I never actually made the answers available anywhere, because there didn't seem to be much interest. I'll get them published tomorrow so that everyone can check their answers if they like.
Glenn (Radagast97)08-16-2006 20:58 [E,W]
Nice. I've gotten all but 4. Where are the answers published?
Chias07-28-2006 20:53 [E,W]
You're welcome, I'm glad that you liked it! If there's enough call for it, I'll make some more in the future. So, did you solve the entire puzzle?

The Laundry Goddess07-28-2006 20:31 [E,W]
That was totally fun! Thanks, Chias!
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