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Candy10-19-2007 14:19 [E,W]
Catanya I was in a similar postiton with my relationship. Only my ex husband didn't want anything to do with day to day bills that was all left up to me. It is not easiy to share and sometimes we don't feel right burdening our significate others with minor problems. Bu why they want to be a part of our lives and to them this is pushing them away. Share if it really is minor you have a friendly ear, if it blossoms into something large they are forewarned and ready to plan how to help or offer support if you want to handle on your own. The more you share the more you share the more you get back in this relationships. Twice the love back is so wonderful! Good luck to you. I look forward to ready your entries in the future to see how much the mirror my own experiences.
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