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hlkolaya12-27-2007 15:29 [E,W]
It seems a bit discouraging. My husband and I recently talked about opening up our relationship and i know I'll have jealousy issues. i was somehow holding out hope that once everything got going then that would go away. what you went through sounds absolutely miserable and I'm not sure I could deal with it as I have a problem with depression anyway.
waitingaimlessly12-23-2007 02:07 [E,W]
Wow! So insightful, a lot of what happened I find similar to what happened with me and my previous triad. You really help me to understand just how important communication can be. Thank you for sharing!
pammer08-22-2007 00:41 [E,W]
I like your article, it's some good info on how to start a poly family. My husband and I have been talking about a poly family for about a year, and we are finally going to try to start one. We just need to find the right female or females who would like to become part of our family. Thanks.
AniseMama08-11-2007 22:53 [E,W]
Thank you for the comments!
Heidel08-09-2007 23:03 [E,W]
Sounds eerily familiar. Your story reminds me in a lot of ways like my love the Lioness' side of my triad story. We're working through our own problems -- usually related to communication issues and insecurities. Understanding those two things are the root of most of our problems is helping us work thru those problems. I hope you all find your roots. :-) I will read your column with much interest.
Stardust08-07-2007 16:15 [E,W]
Wow! I loved this article, thank you so much. it seemed to echo a lot of the mistakes and feelings in my own relationship, and may have even been that added push I've been needing to start opening up to my partners more....

Thank you again.
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