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Star12-21-2006 19:41 [E,W]
It was truly a blessing to read this after I finished the last edit of my first article for this website. I feel a certain amount of connection to the different levels of growth, happiness, sadness, elation, jealousy, and all the things that both families are going through. The one thing I noticed about each family, is the focus is on working for the greater good of the whole, as individuals and as a group! I am looking forward to this adventure!
Our Little Tribe
Rhianon12-20-2006 18:27 [E,W]
Thank you for sharing these thoughts so honestly and openly. I can't tell you how much I respect your strength and wish for you only the most wonderful things and love.
Thank you again - R
PJ12-16-2006 21:40 [E,W]
Wow, so lovely to read this right now as I take a baby step into living poly.
Thank you for sharing.
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