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Venus09-25-2007 13:44 [E,W]

You guys are amazing! For all you curious readers out there, I can tell you from first-hand knowledge that the Laundry Goddess is about the most organized and patient and even-keeled person I know. Very few people can handle the chaos she lives in everyday with such grace and poise! I'm tired just reading her column--and then I think of the times I've seen her "in action" and I know that not one of her kids is slighted. All 13 people in their household are loved and accepted and held accountable! They are truly amazing!
Heidel09-13-2007 22:15 [E,W]
Boy can I relate. We don't have six birthdays in October, but close: We have four birthdays between 9/23 and 10/6 (two kids and two adults) and a baby due at the end of October. Having an extended family like ours is tough, but having a support system, in our case two mothers and a wonderful father, helps lighten each person's load. Organized chaos is right!
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